Note: This article is based on an article about bookkeeping according to Danish legislation. Keep reading if you want to learn more about exporting your payments in OnlineFundraising to prepare for bookkeeping.
Before you start, keep the following questions in mind:
- Which system do you use for bookkeeping?
- Do you have a CRM system and is it integrated with OnlineFundraising?
- What is your approach to bookkeeping?
- Are payments tax-deductible?
Depending on which country you are in, there may be different requirements to bookkeeping and accounting. Please refer to your local rules before settling on an approach, whether it is single- or double-entry, invoice or cash method, etc.
Get started with bookkeeping
Webinar about bookkeeping
See our webinar about bookkeeping (in Danish) where Stephan shows how to get started with bookkeeping based on an exported file from OnlineFundraising. We explain how to balance your payments regardless of payment method - before and after the transfer to your account is complete.
Balance every payment
Follow the steps below to learn how to prepare for bookkeeping payments in OnlineFundraising.
1. Export payments
Follow this guide to export an Accounting optimized report which consists of payments with data relevant to bookkeeping. It is possible to filter the charged date (Charged timestamp), and as such only export the payments for a specific time period. Often it is also relevant to look at the refunded date for refunded payments (Refunded timestamp).
To get a better overview of when payments were charged, follow these steps:
1. Column B: Filter on payments in state Charged and/or Refunded.
2. Column J: Select the time interval for the charged date to narrow the list of payments down to those you wish to balance (In case you did not filter on charged date during the export).
2. Bookkeeping Appendix
We recommend creating a new file and making an appendix for your bookkeeping. In Excel, create a new tab and copy the payments and relevant columns to the appendix. Columns of interest:
- Purpose Accounting Code
This code is defined by the organization and eases identifying the purpose of each payment (and agreement) for accounting. Corresponds to column AL (and BG). - Payment Method Accounting Code
This code is defined by OnlineFundraising and informs about the payment method. The payment method is relevant because different payment methods have different procedure for deposit and transaction fees. Corresponds to column AL.
Once you have created your appendix you can export it as a PDF. See the attached Excel sheet for an example: OF export - eksempel.xlsx.
3. Collect additional data
If you wish to compare your data to the sum which is paid out for each payment gateway you need to contact the payment gateway vendor in question.
3.1. Tune payments against Nets Easy
Under Udbetalinger/Withdrawals in Nets Easy, you can find an overview of your withdrawals. If you click there, you will find a withdrawal reference. Now go in and click on a reference. Here, you can export the payments with that reference. Click Export, then Download CSV/EXCEL. Your file is then created and located under Reports.
Under the Payment ID column in your sheet, you can copy that ID and copy It into OnlineFundraising, search for it and get the relevant information. Go into OnlineFundraising, then Transactional, and then type in the ID you just retrieved into the search box.