
How to anonymise contacts

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If a contact wishes to have their contact data anonymised it is important that the information is deleted effectively, such that is not possible to restore the information. You can read more about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the right to erasure in our guide.

1. Find the contact

The first step is to look up the donor or member who wishes to get their data anonymised. In order to do this, you need either the phone number or the e-mail of the contact.

Select Transactional, then Contacts, in the main menu of OnlineFundraising. 


Enter the phone number or email in the search field, Search by phone or email, in order to look up the contact(s) in OnlineFundraising which is registered with the data in question.

2. Click on the contact and prepare anonymisation

Before you can proceed to anonymise the contact, you have to ensure that there are no:

  • Pending payments (Se this article for more information)
  • Pending/Active Payment Method(s)(Se this article for more information)
  • Active Subscription(s) (Se this article for more information)

3. Click anonymise

You are now ready to anonymise the contact. This is done in the top of the window, using the button Anonymise


The contact is now anonymised and notifications in the form of text messages or email will no longer be sent because the donor/member no longer exists in OnlineFundraising. Status of the contact switches to Anonymised.

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