API Resources


Senest redigeret:


All API access is over HTTPS. Retrieve API URL from Settings in OnlineFundraising. The API Overview provides helpful insight into with API(s) you are looking for.


All data is sent and received as JSON, so please ensure Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 HTTP header is provided. Make sure to apply your API key in your HTTP Header.

HTTP Header

HTTP Headers for GET requests:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: 5664792646e1f55f959caa7d3729bf79xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

HTTP Headers for POST, PUT and PATCH requests must contain a MD5 checksum of request body as Content-MD5 or RequestMD5:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: 5664792646e1f55f959caa7d3729bf79xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-MD5: 17959D7C2468EEB218096A63ACD802C4

API key and IP address

Go to Settings in OnlineFundraising to retrieve relevant API Key.

HTTP Status Codes

OnlineFundraising will return the following HTTP Status Codes:

Status Code Description
200 - OK Accepted
201 - Created Resource was created as requested.
202 - Accepted Request will be processed asynchronously.
400 - Bad Request If request data is invalid. See below for example body.


Bad Request - Example Body

	"errorCode" : "10001",
	"errorDescription" : "..."


All timestamps are returned as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z in Europe/Copenhagentimezone, such as:2019-12-31 15:59:59 +0100

Amounts use a 0.0 format, decimals separated with a dot. No thousand separator.

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