I can't log on to OnlineFundraising – what should I do?

Senest redigeret:

If you have problems logging in to your OnlineFundraising account, it's usually for the one of the following reasons:

  • Is the link accurate?

Start by checking that the link you are trying to log in to is accurate. 

The link will be either:
https://[name of your organisation].onlinefundraising.dk/admin or
https://onlinefundraising.dk/[Name of your organization]/admin

  • Are you logging in from abroad?

If you try to log in from abroad, you will encounter the following error code: 'Login not allowed from [Country you are in]'. 

For security reasons, we have restricted access so that it is only possible to log in from Denmark. We are happy to open up the current country, but it requires that you write to us on our support e-mail.

If the above does not help, please contact us at support@onlinefundraising.dk.

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