In any communication with your recipients, it's crucial to personalise the message by incorporating details about the specific donor or members and their payment. This is where merge tags come into play, which are predefined dynamic codes that seamlessly integrate content.
The merge field names are predefined to ensure smooth data flow within OnlineFundraising and onward to your CRM system. Additionally, you can define extra merge fields, for example, if you want a form to be filled out with extra information that should be saved in your CRM system. It could also be additional information on a campaign, such as the name of the ad the end-user is coming from.
This article provides an overview of the predefined fields that you can use across platforms.
Payment Information |
Merge tag | Meaning | Example |
date | Date | 2023-9-20 |
time | Time | 12:44:20 |
amount | Amount | 7.95 |
amountVat | Beløb including VAT | 7.95 |
amountTotal |
Total amount (e.g. single donation + recurring, combined) |
7.95 |
currencyCode | Currency | DKK |
paymentType | Payment Type | Recurring |
paymentTypeTranslated | Payment Agreement | Payment Agreement |
paymentMethodType | Payment Method | Card |
paymentMethodTypeTranslated | Payment Method | Card |
recurringStartDate | Start date for recurring agreement | 2023-9-20 12:33:20 |
recurringFrequency |
Frequency of recurring agreement | Monthly |
recurringFrequencyTranslated |
Frequency og recurring agreement | Monthly |
paymentGatewayTransactionId |
Transaction ID on gateway | 1234 |
paymentGatewaySubscriptionToken |
Subscription ID on gateway | 1234 |
subscriptionGuid |
Subscription ID | xxxx-yyyy-zzzz |
purposeName |
Purpose | Donation |
agreementName |
Agreement | Membership |
contactType | Type of contact, you can determine more | individual, Business |
message | Message | |
successReturnPageUrl |
Page redirected to upon completed transaction | |
Donor/member information |
companyName |
Company name | Jane Handel A/S |
businessCode |
CVR Number | 12345678 |
name |
Full name (if used) | Jane Doe |
firstName |
First Name (if used) | Jane |
lastName |
Last Name (if used) | Doe |
nationalId | CPR number without '-' | 0101201222 |
email | | |
phone | Phone Number | 11223344 |
address |
Address | Finsensvej 6E |
postCode | Postcode | 2000 |
city | City | Frederiksberg |
countryCode | Country Code | DK |
Organisation Information (merged from Settings) |
organisationName |
Organisation Name | Our Organisation |
organisationAddress |
Organisation Address | Finsensvej 6E |
organisationPostCode | Organisation Postcode | 2000 |
organisationCity | Organisation City | Frederiksberg |
organisationWebsite | Organisation Website | |
organisationBusinessCode | Organisation CVR number | 123456789 |
organisationEmail | Organisation Email | |
organisationPhone | Organisation Phone Number | 22334455 |
To incorporate these merge tags, you can either select them directly in the user interface or manually insert {{merge tag name}} into the text.