
How to Edit an Email in Communication

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This guide explains how to use the email editor in Communication.

If you're looking for an introduction to confirmation messages, including when they are sent, check out this overview: Confirmation Messages for Sign-up

Creating a New Communication

Når du opretter en ny communication, skal du vælge hvilken parent (forælder), den skal have. Din nye communication vil nedarve indholdet fra forælderen, indtil du aktiverer den pågældende besked. Du kan altså lade din communication nedarve det meste af indholdet og kun ændre f.eks. den besked, som sendes, når der gives en engangsdonation. 

When creating a new communication, you’ll need to select a parent communication. The new communication will inherit the content from its parent until you customise it. For instance, you can choose to inherit most of the content and only change specific parts, such as the message sent when a one-time donation is made.

Find more about standard templates here: Introduction to Communications

Activating a Communication

To edit the content of a message so it no longer inherits from its parent, you first need to activate it:

  1. Click on Create template or Edit next to the message.

    Skærmbillede 2024-09-06 kl. 15.03.39.png
  2. A warning will appear asking if you’re sure you want to create a new template. Click OK.

  3. Hover over the message and click Edit to make changes.


Editing Content, Blocks, and Design

Your message will now open in the email editor.

On the left-hand side, you can adjust the general appearance of the email in the Appearance tab. Here, you can edit the email’s width, padding, font, buttons, and more. We recommend customising these settings to align with your organisation’s standard communication.

In the Content tab on the right-hand side, you can add new blocks to your message. This works similarly to other email editors.

Structures define how blocks are laid out and ensure content is displayed correctly on different devices.

Blocks are pre-defined elements you can drag into the structure. For example, to create a block with text on the left and an image on the right, you’d drag a structure block first, followed by a text block on the left and an image block on the right.

The Modules section contains blocks that can be reused across different messages. Her’s how to save blocks for reuse. For instance, under Modules > OF, you’ll find a block for receipt emails that includes payment information merge fields.

Customising Sender, Subject Line, and Pre-Header

At the top of the editor, there’s an area to customise what recipients see before they open the email. We recommend using your own domain and an email address that allows replies.
For more details, read: Ensuring Emails Do Not End Up in the Spam Folder

Make sure to complete both the subject line and pre-header. In most email clients, the pre-header is visible before the email is opened, and it plays an important role in encouraging recipients to open the email. Along with the sender’s name and subject line, it signals to the recipient that the email is valuable.

By default, your organisation’s name is included as the sender. However, note that the name used will be the one from when your OnlineFundraising platform was set up. If you’ve changed names since, it’s a good idea to replace the merge field with your current name.

Tips for Editing Content

The main content of your email appears at the bottom right. To edit, click on the element you want to change. The options on the left will update depending on the type of content you’ve clicked on. For instance, clicking on an image will allow you to replace it, add alt text, a link, or change the size.

Different block types offer various customisation options, giving you the flexibility you need. Be aware that email clients may display content differently. Some handle advanced code well, while others may struggle with rounded buttons or emojis. It’s recommended to keep the design simple and always test your email before sending.

Remember to save your work regularly by clicking the green Save button at the top right.

Adding Merge Fields

Personalise your message by adding recipient data through merge tags. You can merge any data collected during sign-up. Simply place your cursor where you’d like the data to appear and click on Merge Tags. Find the appropriate field and click to insert it.

For a full list of available merge tags with examples, see: Introduction to Merge Tags

Managing Blocks (Delete, Copy, Move, Reuse)

All content consists of a structure (the outer layer) with various containers (for images, text, etc.). When copying or deleting content, it’s easiest to do so at the structure level.

Hover over a piece of content to check if you’ve selected the structure or container. Grey labels will help identify which part you're working on.

To copy or delete a block, hover over the structure, then click the three dots on the right. From here, you can delete, copy, or move a block. The final option is to archive a block, which stores it under Modules for reuse. For example, if you have a block describing a current project, you can save it and use it in multiple messages. You can even reuse entire emails.

Testing Your Email

You can test your email as you go to check its display on different devices, but a final test is recommended before sending. Send the email to yourself and view it on both desktop and mobile.

Click Preview & Test to see how the email looks at various widths (desktop vs. mobile). Keep in mind that this preview only adjusts width – og won't show how the email appears in different email clients.

At the bottom, you can enter your email address (and a colleague’s if needed) to send a test. Default data will be merged into the fields, so you can see how the final email will look.

Click Close preview to return to your email.

Reusing an Entire Email

If you’ve created a perfect email for one campaign and want to reuse it for a different one, you can do so with just a few clicks. Find the message you want to copy and click Copy in the overview.

Next, locate the message where you want to paste the content. If it's not activated, create a new template (this releases it from its parent communication). Once done, click Paste. The content from your original message, including the On screen, Email and SMS content, will be copied over. You can the customise the message without affecting the original.

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